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CA-Milleworks Book Design: "Mindfulness Matters"

Just over a year ago, I learned about a sweet friend who published her first book, "The Write Words" by Lizette Resendez. I was so incredibly excited and proud for her and wondered if, one day, I could be part of such an accomplishment. And now, just a year and a half later, I am excited to introduce a book that I took part in creating!

Congratulations to new author and passionate advocate for mental health, Pam Goodfriend, for the recent publishing of her book, "Mindfulness Matters: A Journal for Inspiration and Hope", now available on Amazon!

Mental Health Matters

If you watched the Tokyo Olympics, or if you live on Planet Earth, you likely heard about the highly controversial decision gymnast great, Simone Biles, made to withdraw from competition stating mental health issues. In a matter of minutes, the gymnast we were all so proudly waiting to see take the United States women's team to the gold medal podium put on her warm-up slicks and went from top contender to top cheerleader on the biggest stage, and the biggest competition in the world. If I'm being completely honest, I wrestled with accepting her decision as the rest of the world did, but how could I not? For years, we have seen Olympic competitors, and especially gymnasts, put the country and the competition first, and the health of their bodies and minds second. It's what we expected. It took a couple of days for me to realize we all had that terribly wrong. Simone Biles put me in check this year. She put her own mental health first, and the world had to deal with it. Period. Thank you Simone. This moment in Olympics history will help to break down barriers and help bring to light the importance of mental health.

Pam Goodfriend, the author of "Mindfulness Matters: A Journal for Inspiration and Hope", has many of her own stories of overcoming adversity and challenge, even though she has no Olympic medals to show for them. Pam watched her father struggle with depression as a young girl, and then later in life went through the same darkness herself. But from these experiences came this wonderful journal of hope.

The Book

"Mindfulness Matters" was created specifically for any individual struggling with mental health. It is an honest and forthright guide to caring for the mind, body and spirit with mindfulness practices she has learned along her own personal journey. Pam strives to educate her readers on mindfulness skills with the goal of forming daily practices that can enhance mental health and wellness. Pam is also an award-winning inspirational speaker available for Lunch-and-Learns, Corporate Wellness or Keynote presentations around the globe. Visit her website at to learn how you can give your team a boost of light as we continue to navigate through an unprecedented time.

CA-Milleworks Design

My role in the design of the book was simple. To pour Pam's passion and love for helping others into a creation that would best represent her, a ray of sunshine glistening across the vast countryside to help those living in darkness. The journal is filled with beauty through inspirational lessons and stunning photography, and displays a love for one's self on every page. It was a pleasure and honor to work with Pam on this project and be part of creating such an important motivational message for others. No matter what pressures we are dealing with, or sadness we may be experiencing, we all have the right to take time for ourselves; To practice self-care and learn how to be grateful for the air we breathe in every passing moment. We must all place more importance on our own health and less on the expectations of those around us. Work hard, strive for greatness in all that you do, but put you first, always. As a wife, mother of two and small business owner, I strive for this daily. It's not easy, but as Pam says in her "Mindfullness Matters" journal, they "deserve the best of you, not what's left of you."

"Mindfulness Matters: A Journal for Inspiration and Hope" by Pam Goodfriend can be purchased on Amazon today. Click here to grab your copy!

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